Case Studies

Honkamp Krueger
Web Development
HonKamp Krueger is one of the top 100 accounting firms in the country. Located in Dubuque, IA. It’s a B2B firm whose target market includes businesses who need a sizeable, quality accounting firm but who are not using the Big Four audit firms. Honkamp Krueger needed to increase their web presence with quality web development for its main CPA business “Honkamp Krueger” as well as three of its other businesses: HKFS (Honkamp Krueger Financial Services) Honkamp Payroll ( HKP) and Honkamp Alliance ( HKAlliance); for a brand integration of four websites in a simultaneous launch.
Accounting is not usually a topic for excitement much less a branded website anyone would be interested in revisiting often. HonKamp Krueger wanted to change that. They asked Aumcore to create a professional B2B website for themselves as well as their three sister companies that were fun, social (with a newsroom and blog to encourage its clients to return for important industry information) and seamlessly integrated all of the companies into a single, branded website simultaneously.
In addition, from a design and “feel” perspective, HK asked that the new website differentiated the firm from other accounting firms in four ways:
- To maintain brand consistency across the full spectrum of four HK brands while creating distinct voices and functionalities for each sister company. The new website integrated 4 websites including their three other separate companies which offered financial advisory services, payroll functions and a B2B insurance ‘best practice’ community entitled “HK Alliance”.
- To make the accounting firm look fun, inviting “not stuffy” – with a specific ask to use original photography; particular focus was put on new photos with fun images of children performing various activities.
- To stand out among their peers with a polished site that is fully responsive with a dedicated mobile site and social pages including a news portal and a blog.
- To redesign the website with with new branding, color palette and layout of site with new messaging.

Aumcore redesigned the website which equates to functionality (how the four sites integrate) and design (the look of each individual website and their integration). The process of rebranding started with the photography element that was important for the HK team- to create a friendly, professional and fun element to the website, showcasing employees in addition to fun sliding pictures of children appearing on the screen on a bike with a crash helmet or with popcorn and 3d glasses at the movies.
The next step to a professional website was creating an industry standard (in form of an eighteen-page Brand Guideline for all documentation for both digital and print), effectively re-branding the parent company of Honkamp Krueger and its three sister companies. This was achieved through the lens of a “consultative selling approach” which links the three sub brands to the larger HK accounting firm and increases brand awareness for all four as well as differentiates Honkamp Krueger from other brands. From a technical perspective, Aumcore took the knowledge gained from the feedback when presenting the HK team with functionalities of other sites and created the embedded separate websites in a way that allowed the associated companies to have their unique brand, yet also be recognizable as part of the HK company in a seamless way.
Aumcore launched the four branches of Honkamp Krueger simultaneously in one sleek, exciting, mobile friendly website with a unique, fun and personal feel. The web development effectively demonstrated the differentiating factors of an accounting firm that offers over twenty services aside from traditional B2B accounting services.
The seamless brand integration of the three other firms into the Honkamp Krueger website effectively established their unique value while maintaining the group’s overall feel and branding.
The sites are easily accessed through the landing page, and each flow seamlessly backs to the main brand. There is a social element (including community and news pages as well as a blog) built by Aumcore, as well as a fully functional navigational bar, which integrates the four websites.
During the #AumThink process, Aumcore reviewed and presented 20 separate websites to highlight certain functionalities as well as artistic directions to understand the Honkamp Krueger group’s desires more accurately. Additionally, a wish list of over 20 items were taken into consideration by Aumcore, the majority which were integrated into the final site – including the newest social spot including both a newsroom and blog. The new feel and design of the website differentiates Honkamp Krueger from its peers and the four websites meet the original objectives of the new HK re-branding.
Honkamp Krueger was soon after awarded an increased ranking by Accounting Today, as the 65th largest CPA firm in the country, being recognized for their national regional fast growth.