Case Studies

Bayer Bepanthol
Mobile App Development
Bayer is an innovative healthcare and agriculture organization known throughout the world as a leader in products and solutions for the health of humans, animals, and plants for over 150 years. Their ultimate goal is to help solve pending challenges in our physical world, and are committed to addressing relevant health and agriculture issues with solutions. For parents on the go with a small child or infant, there are so many things to worry about when outside the home. From exploding diapers too tired tantrums thrown in stores to unexpected bathroom visits; parents must have an arsenal of tools in their diaper bags to keep babies happy and parents sane.
Looking for solutions for parents in need, Bayer asked Aumcore to create a “digital diaper bag” as a hub of knowledge for parents. The ask was two fold – to promote both the Bayer brand as a source of knowledge for new parents, as well as to build awareness of one of its leading products, Bepanthol® Baby Ointment, the “helping partner” to parents.

Aumcore created a mobile app for both iOS and Android smartphone platforms in Belgium & Luxembourg. The app included a list of changing tables in playgrounds, at hotels, in restaurants and restrooms. It also functioned via GPS location and gave caretakers the ability to find the closest changing table to them instantly. In addition, there was a search function that allowed users to type in a zip code and be able to search in advance for all changing stations available in an area.
Bayer wanted to truly “partner” with the parent and create an emotional connection. To this end, the app offered a forum with tips for caretakers and first time moms or dads on baby skin care, and created a virtual community where people could rate the changing table facility they used as well as offer up tips on a large variety of baby care topics. Bepanthol was also featured in the app with content for caretakers about the brand and its benefits for baby’s skin.
Aumcore created the interactive mobile app for users in Belgium & Luxembourg on a platform that allowed the usage of three languages: English, French and Dutch (Flemish). With the Bepanthol logo integrated into the app as a banner, the user was reminded of the product at all times while using the app to find a changing table, or while using the “tips” feature which offered infant skin care guidance. Aumcore also made the tips section interactive so caretakers could share their own advice with each other creating a new parent social community.
In addition, in order to make the app a virtual “hub” of assistance and an essential app for new moms and dad on the go, Aumcore added an emergency contact list including the baby’s pediatrician and other important numbers, integrating it within the app.
Bayer’s Bepanthol and Aumcore team understood that new parents today seek information to keeping their babies healthy. Bepanthol wanted to create emotional connection with new parents providing educational information and a useful social parenting community through their app. The client, Bayer Bepanthol, was able to promote its product and increase brand visibility in a way that assisted its core consumers with a daily basic need. The brand message was clear: Bayer cares about you and your baby, and Bepanthol is a quality product for your baby’s skin.