We all know that Amazon has launched its new phone and it has some amazing features which is likely to attract lots of buyers into this phone. This phone will not repeat the blunder which was performed by Facebook phone (fingers crossed!).

But what is the real agenda of amazon behind launching this phone? What are they trying to prove to the world with this? The Answer is very simple-Versatility. Once there was a time when Google was just a search engine, Amazon was just a shopping portal, Apple was just a tech giant which was making a sleek and world class phone and Facebook was a social networking site with which we all use to keep in touch with our friends.

Now, we see that everything is margining into each other and just being the best at what you do is not enough. Google wants to enter into the mobile world, Facebook wants to get into online advertising etc. It looks like now the companies wants to forget the boundaries and enter into what other are doing too.

Amazon just followed the suit and launched a phone which is likely to give very steep competition to the Google search. Now amazon is entering into the territory of Google and Apple. This phone is likely to give very steep competition to Google search with its feature called- “FireFly”.

Firefly is primarily a search engine which can identify the objects by the pictures as well as songs by its lyrics. E.g.- someone clicks a picture of the thing they like and put it on search, the phone will show the listing of the same product on Amazon. Similarly, it identifies the music you are listening to and show the listing of the album, artist, genes etc. Firefly is completely trying to bypass the Google search by this feature of the phone. The ground reality is, with this feature amazon can easily woo the advertisers of Google and increase the product as well as its database of offered products.

In a way, amazon is giving the taste of its own medicine to Google. Like Google was trying to enter into the world of online shopping by not only providing the advertisement listing but also taking them to that website through Google trusted program etc. Hence, Amazon also though of maintaining its own customer at its own expense.

There is a news that Apple is grilling further into the shopping world and they are exploring the possibilities of “owning an online payment gateway service”. Google already is in this domain with “Google Wallet”. We really don’t know with this much of card transaction perhaps this will also be the next step of amazon.

The bottom line is, that when the major companies fight with each other on a specific domain the consumer always gets the better and the best products at a very compatible prices. And we hope to see some of the amazing and mind blowing products from Google, Facebook, Apple and Amazon.

As for now, let’s explore what this 4.7 inch of device has to offer to the shopping world!!

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