Have you recently visited your Facebook page? If no, next time when you will log-in you will see lots of changes and heaps of new features which Facebook has recently launched. Facebook page insights (that’s the name of Facebook analytics) are now more elaborated and easy to report.

The new Facebook insight was earlier launched in Beta version and it was only available to limited people. After doing the test run and gathering all the relevant feedback, Facebook has launched a new and improved version of “Page Insights”. This new version is available for masses now.

The tabbed interface of Facebook is divided into following six parts:

– Overview
– Likes
– Reach
– Visits
– Posts
– People
Overview– this tab will give you the snapshot of what is happening on your page. It will give you all the information about your business page performance in a snip. However, it only shows the detail of past seven days.
Facebook Insight Overview
Likes– This feature is almost the same however, it gives you the opportunity to drill it further. Now as a business owner, you can see how many likes you are receiving on per day basis, where your likes are coming from etc. The graphical representation is giving all the information. They have made this feature simpler. The tab of net likes tell you if someone has disliked your page etc.
Insight of Likes
Reach– This tab is an expanded version of news feed. Under this tab enterprises will be able to see the reach of their individual post, likes, dislikes, comments, share etc. The feature to select the date range is available, which gives better opportunity to understand the trend of the page. When the user scrolls the mouse over the graph, he will be able to see the matrix of that particular day.
Facebook Insight about Reach
Visits– This tab is giving information about the visitors-where they came from, what were the tabs they interacted with etc. This tab also gives the information about how many times your page were mentioned within the defined time period you choose.
Facebook Insight for Visits
Posts– Post tab gives you better understanding of your content and its performance. There are two tabs available in this- “when your fans are online” and “post types”. The first tab gives you the information about your fans on Facebook, as per your local time zone. “Post Types” tab gives detail about the individual post such as link, photos, video etc. and their performance. It also gives you the information about which type of post is giving you maximum engagement.
Facebook Insight for Posts

Facebook Insight for Individual Post

If the user wants to know how individual posts are doing, he simply has to click on that post and all the insights will be in front of him.

People– This tab gives you all the information about your fans in terms of their demographics, age, gender, language etc. This tab also gives the fair comparison of whole Facebook vs. your page. This tab has three further parts- people reached, people engaged and check-ins.
Facebook Insight about People
This new version of Facebook insights will be very useful for digital marketing agencies as well as enterprises who are aggressively promoting themselves on the platform of internet. They will be able to get more in-depth knowledge of customer behavior and content posting. All-in-all it’s a very good update and it will certainly change the trend of the market.

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