Are you a fan of smart displays? Do you like being able to control everything around your home from a single device that can stream audio and video, and even talk to you?

Well, according to reports by the Nikkei Asian Review, Google is preparing to release its very own smart speaker equipped with a display for this year’s holiday season (sorry, no Google Smart Display release date as of yet).

Cool, I know, but before we get to that, let’s cover the road so far.

How We Arrived at the Google Smart Display

The road to the Google Smart Display can be said to have started with Google Assistant, their AI-powered virtual assistant that can be controlled with the sound of your very own voice (yup, that means you need to start thinking about voice search marketing and optimization).

Originally housed in smartphones like the Pixel, and smart speakers like Google Home and Google Home Mini, Google Assistant offered users the ability to do everything, from search and play music and videos, to control appliances around the house.

Now think of screens. Aren’t speakers better with screens so you can not only hear, but see as well?

I happen to think so, and seeing as how Google launched Smart Displays earlier this year as a new category of devices for the smart home that brings the Google Assistant to an interactive screen for a richer visual experience, I’d wager they do so too.

While they themselves didn’t have any smart display device in the market at that time (or now, for that matter), what they did do was authorize third-party makers like JBL, Lenovo, LG and Sony to create Assistant-powered smart speakers with displays.

Fast-forward a couple of months— to late July—and we now have the Lenovo Smart Display, the first device from these brands to officially hit the market with Google Assistant built right in.

And now we’re right back where we started; talking about the upcoming Google Smart Display.

The Google Smart Display

Like the Amazon Echo Show that’s paired with Amazon Alexa, this device will be a Google Assistant Smart Display that connects with other smart devices around the home (think of a smart display Google Home mash-up), and is poised to take on Amazon, who took the market share of smart speakers worldwide (63% compared to Google’s 32%), by shipping about 3 million units for the first batch — what’s been described as “an aggressive plan” by an industry source.

The screen that puts Google Assistant on a smart display makes all the difference. With it, you can do everything you can with a smart speaker, but better.

For example, instead of following along with a recipe by listening, you can follow by sight. Instead of simply listening to a song, you can listen to it and watch the video at the same time.

All in all, you can do A LOT with it, such as:

Consume your favorite music:


You can stream your favorite music from channels like YouTube, Google Play, Spotify and Pandora, or tune into your favorite radio stations with iHeartRadio and TuneIn.

Catch up to the news or your go-to podcasts and audiobooks:

With Google News, which includes the latest video news briefs from national and local publishers like CNBC, CBS and Cheddar, you can always stay informed with anything that’s going on.

Additionally, you can browse for new podcasts with Google Podcasts and listen and catch up with audiobooks with Google Play Books.

Browse recipes and get step-by-step instructions:

In the kitchen, where a hands-free experience is needed most, you can browse through thousands of recipes and use the built-in Assistant to help you prepare a great meal on Smart Displays with step-by-step, hands-free guidance on screen.

Get answers, manage your day and stick to your routines:

With Google Assistant in tow, you can ask whatever you want and it’ll scour all over the web until you receive the exact answer you need (all within a second or so, of course). You can also create and manage shopping lists on your Smart Display and bring them up on your phone when you’re heading to the store.

Additionally, thanks to Google Assistant Routines that were released last year, which help you get multiple things done with just a single command, you can stay on top of your day by saying something along the lines of, “Hey Google, good morning,” to hear and see a visual summary of your day, including the weather, traffic, reminders and your agenda (it can even play a video news brief from your favorite news sources).

Keep in touch with loved ones:

With Google Duo, Google’s video chatting app, making a home on the Smart Display, you can connect with your loved ones at the touch of a button with a simple, “Hey Google, call Matthew,” to start a high-quality video or audio call.

Relive your memories:

Being a display, you can (of course) also relieve your favorite snapped memories through Google Photos, and even ask the Assistant to see any specific pictures or albums.

When not in use, the Smart Display can also act as an always-on photo album that displays picture after picture so you always have something to smile at whenever you walk by.

Control your smart home:

As it is a smart device paired with Google Assistant, you can use the Smart Display—and your voice—to control your other smart devices around your home, which allow you manage everything from the temperature to individual lights.

Final Thoughts


Isn’t technology wonderful? We were all fawning over the internet about 20 years ago, and now we’re about to get the Google Smart Display that combines the internet with an assistant, a phone, a radio, a this, a that and so many other things — all controlled with your voice.

In terms of marketing, this means you’re going to have to think A LOT more about voice search and ranking for voice queries. As a hint, think of intent, natural and conversational language, and the Five Ws and the how.

Apart from that, you can always get in touch with a digital marketing agency for some extra help with your strategy. Good luck!