September is here which means that fall is creeping in, football is starting and Apple is releasing yet another iPhone. This release is shaping up to be a big one and the leaks do not stop dripping in either. Everyone is trying to figure out what this iPhone 7 update will include asap, as Apple’s event on the 7th will more than likely be officially announcing the phone.
So, what can you hopefully expect in this update? Well, if these rumors are right you might want to start waiting on line now.
Hit the Road Headphone Jack
One of the most shocking new features that has been talked about is the possibility that Apple is doing away with the headphone jack. Instead, the iPhone will use the “lighting adapter”, which is also used for charging the phone, for headphones. You can also expect a dongle at the release that will adapt with your favorite headphone so you do not have purchase a new set of those classic white ear buds.

Home is where the Touch is
Another new feature that is being reported is that the iPhone 7 will also have a new home button. Many outlets are claiming that the new home button will be pressure sensitive and that it incorporates haptic feedback.
Seeing Double
It is widely reported that Apple will continue the trend of releasing two iPhones. The iPhone 7 will be 4.7 inches while the Plus will be 5.5 inches. The Plus will feature an update to the familiar cameras on the phones. Some insiders are suggesting the phone will have now have a new dual-camera system that will the most sophisticated cameras we have seen yet on any iPhone.

Make more Memories with more Memory
If there is one feature everyone wants more of it is memory. Apple is finally listening and it is looking like they are overcompensating a bit with this iPhone. Many are suggesting this iPhone may come with three huge possibilities for memory. One model may hold 256 GB while another may be 128 GB and a third base model could be 32 GB. So, get ready for lots more photo and memory making.
No more Wire or Water Woes?
Insiders are reporting that Apple may finally give everyone what they have so desperately wanted. Wireless charging. If the leaks are true, this would be a huge move for Apple that would set a precedent that all other iPhones would follow. There is also another rumor floating around that this iPhone may be waterproof as well. This is would be an update to the iPhone 6s which is only partially waterproof. The rumors stem from what the iPhone will be made of. Some are suggesting a ceramic type of material while others simply do not know what it will be.
Leaking all Over the Place
A few outlets reported features that simply sound too good to be true. Some reports suggest that Apple will unveil three different version of the iPhone 7. A Pro version has been reported to come out as well. The Pro would have the best camera out of the three and also the most memory available. But, many are saying that this is merely too much for Apple to unveil in one event the phone may never come to see the light of day.

Like the iPhone 6 and the one before that, the iPhone 7 release is set to be one of, if not biggest for Apple. Those who won’t be able to get the new phone can still update their current iPhone to iOSX, which will be released, along with the new iPhone. You can expect long lines to start forming around the 9th when preorders are supposedly set to go. The iPhone 7 is rumored to come out by September 22nd, so get ready for a new milestone for Apple.
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